"These Fragments I Have Stored" is a short interactive fiction game that can be completed in about 30 minutes, depending on your reading speed and choices in the game. There are two endings and several ways to reach them.

The game was originally a project for a graduate English course (ENG 570) in the digital humanities at University of Oregon. My hope is to continue adding features to the game over time. Music coming soon. 

The game was designed with data preservation and maintenance as a guiding concern. Specifically, it is meant to be used as an engaging way for archivists, data scientists, and library professionals to show a new generation the incredible amounts of responsibility and labor that attend work in these areas.

If TFIHS impacted you, please remember that every day archivists are working to keep people's memories alive! The stakes are not so different from what you'll see Rennie experience in the game.

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